Find out where we are and how to reach Nextema headquarters by any means of transport. If you prefer to leave a message, you can do it directly by filling out the form on the Contact Us page.

How to reach us

By car

Via highway A1/E45 (from North)
Arriving from North (e.g. Milan, Turin, Brenner, Verona, Modena) you have to exit at Bologna-Borgo Panigale and follow the signs for Tangenziale/Aeroporto. Take the ring road (Tangenziale, direction San Lazzaro) until exit No. 5 and continue on Via Cristoforo Colombo towards Bologna Centro. At the roundabout, take Via Marco Polo and at the following small roundabout turn right under the underpass in Via Paolo Fortunati. Follow Nuova Roveretolo and Via di Bertalia to reach Via Agucchi. Arrived at No. 84, enter the manufacturing center and follow the signs.
Via highway A1/E35 (from South)
Arriving from South (e.g. Florence and Tirrenic coast, Rome, Naples, Sicily) you have to exit at Bologna-Casalecchio and follow Bologna/Casalecchio, continuing on the highway A14 until Casalecchio/Tangenziale/ Aeroporto exit. Follow the signs to Porrettana/Casalecchio Centro and take the Asse Attrezzato Sud-Ovest. Continue for about 6 km following the signs for Ospedale Maggiore and Via Agucchi. Arrived at No. 84, enter the manufacturing center and follow the signs.
Via highway A14/E45 (from South-East)

Arriving from South-East (e.g. Rimini and Adriatic coast, Ancona, Bari) you have to exit at Bologna-San Lazzaro and follow the signs for Tangenziale/Aeroporto. Take the ring road (Tangenziale, direction Casalecchio) until exit No. 5 and continue on Via Cristoforo Colombo towards Bologna Centro. At the roundabout, take Via Marco Polo and at the following small roundabout turn right under the underpass in Via Paolo Fortunati. Follow Nuova Roveretolo and Via di Bertalia to reach Via Agucchi. Arrived at No. 84, enter the manufacturing center and follow the signs.

Via highway A13 (from North-East)

Arriving from North-East (e.g. Ferrara, Venice, Padova, Trieste) you have to exit at Bologna-Arcoveggio and follow the signs for Tangenziale/Aeroporto. Take the ring road (Tangenziale, direction Casalecchio) until exit No. 5 and continue on Via Cristoforo Colombo towards Bologna Centro. At the roundabout, take Via Marco Polo and at the following small roundabout turn right under the underpass in Via Paolo Fortunati. Follow Nuova Roveretolo and Via di Bertalia to reach Via Agucchi. Arrived at No. 84, enter the manufacturing center and follow the signs.

By train

Once arrived at the central train station (Bologna Centrale) you could easily reach Nextema by bus or taxi. 

By plane

Once landed at G. Marconi Airport, taxi is the easiest way to reach us.

By bus

Take urban bus No. 81 or 91 from the square in front of the station (Piazzale Medaglie d’Oro), direction “Longara/Padulle/Bagno di Piano“. Get off at the stop “Pontelungo” and walk along Via Agucchi for about 10 minutes. Arrived at No. 84, enter the manufacturing center and follow the signs.

Travel cost: 1,20 €

Travel time: ~35 min

By taxi

Taxi parkings are located in the Kiss&Ride area (for High-Speed trains) and in the square in front of the station (Piazzale Medaglie d’Oro).  Ask the taxi driver to be accompanied to Via Agucchi 84, then enter the manufacturing center and follow the signs.

Travel cost: ~15 €

Travel time: ~20 min

By taxi

Taxi parking is conveniently located at the exit of the Arrival areaAsk the taxi driver to be accompanied to Via Agucchi 84, then enter the manufacturing center and follow the signs.

Travel cost: ~10 €

Travel time: ~15 min